19/08/2011 (6ª feira) - 19h16
Após ataques em Gaza,
Hamas anuncia fim da trégua com I$rael
I$rael continua, desde quinta-feira, bombardeando a região palestina.
Acompanhem pelo site Oficial do Hamas: Deadly attacks against Gaza by Israeli Fighters
Al Qassam website - Israeli shelling killed two people in the eastern and northern Gaza Strip on Friday afternoon, medics said, bringing the death toll in the coastal enclave to nine in the 24 hours since a deadly attack in Israel.
Samed Abdul Mu'ty Abed was riding a motorcycle in northern Gaza when he came under fire, medical officials said.
Another Palestinian, a 22-year-old man who was not identified, was taken along with one other injured person to Shifa hospital in Gaza City, medics said.
Gaza medical spokesman Adham Abu Salmiya said missiles also targeted a concrete factory in the same area seriously injuring two locals.
Over the past 24 hours, Israel has carried out more than 10 airstrikes across the Gaza Strip following a series of deadly shooting attacks in the Negev desert that left eight Israelis dead.
Nine Palestinians have now been killed and scores injured after Israeli attacked Gazans, although the faction has denied any involvement in yesterday incident inside OPT.
Earlier, Israeli warplanes struck An-Nuseirat refugee camp leaving one Palestinian lightly injured, said Gaza medical official Adham Abu Salmiya.
Fighter jets bombed a generator near the camp, causing a power outage across the area and missiles hit a training camp of the armed wing of Hamas, the Al-Qassam Brigades, witnesses said.
The raid came hours after Israel launched airstrikes on the Az-Zaitoun neighborhood south of Gaza City causing damage but no injuries, medics said.
Just after midnight Friday, Israeli warplanes launched a series of raids targeting Gaza City, the northern towns of Beit Hanoun and Beit Lahiya, and Khan Younis in the south.
Abu Salmiya said an airstrike on a home near the former intelligence services headquarters in Gaza City killed 13-year-old Mahmoud Abu Samra and injured 18 others.
Elsewhere, Apache helicopters fired at least two missiles toward a Palestinian military site in the town of Beit Lahiya and a missile near Khan Younis landed in an open area and caused no injuries or damage. Sources: Maan |
Hamas denies responsibility for attacks
Hamas nega resposabilidade por ataques
Al Qassam website - Hamas denied responsibility for the attack on two Israeli buses, carrying soldiers, near Eilat on Thursday morning that left seven killed and 20 others wounded.
The movement said in a statement that it was not her policy to use lands of other countries to launch attacks on Israeli targets. Israel said that the attackers came from Gaza via the Egyptian territory.
Hamas, however, said that it would be at the forefront of defenders of Gaza in the event Israel ventured to attack it as threatened by its war minister Ehud Barak.
It blamed Israeli atrocities against Palestinian people and holy shrines especially during the holy month of Ramadan provoked millions of Muslims into retaliating to such crimes.
Hamas appealed to the Arab and Islamic countries, the free people of the world, and the international community to shoulder their responsibility toward the Israeli threats against Gaza and its civilian population.
For his part, Abu Obaida, the spokesman for Hamas’s armed wing the Qassam Brigades, warned that the armed wing would strongly retaliate to any aggression on the Strip.
Dr. Salah Al-Bardawil, a Hamas leader, told the PIC that his movement adopts the clear strategy of not using lands of other countries to resist the occupation.
He said that Israel was trying to evade its internal crises by attacking Gaza, adding that his movement would not remain arms folded vis-à-vis any aggression. |
Detalhes Adicionais
Israel volta a bombardear alvos civis em Gaza
Mais uma vez, nesta quarta-feira, diante da perplexidade mundial e da COVARDIA das Nações Unidas, Israel voltou a bombardear Gaza, na Palestina ocupada.
Aviões militares israelenses despejaram bombas em vôos noturnos sobre um hospital, uma escola e diversas residências, causando diversas mortes e dezenas de feridos entre a população civil palestina.
O covarde ataque está sendo “justificado” pelo GOVERNO $IONISTA como retaliação à ação de milicianos que se infiltraram pelo Egito, provocando a morte de pelo menos oito militares israelenses que viajavam em um ônibus para apoiar colonos israelenses que INVADEM terras palestinas.
As ações retaliatórias de Israel já mataram pelo menos cinco palestinos e três egípcios, segundo a Associated Press, mas os números reais são bem maiores, informaram fontes independentes.
Postado por Jornal Água Verde
Os $ionistas fazem com os Palestinos o mesmo que os nazistas fizeram aos judeus.
Como você explica tamanha semelhança?
Quem são os $ionistas?
Palestinos não abençoam Hitler.
Palestinos querem suas terras livres de invasores e ocupantes $ionistas.
Eu sou Brasileira e oro para que os Palestinos vivam em PAZ, sem invasores e ocupantes em suas terras.
Basta de MATANÇA (limpeza étnica - IIan Pappe)
de Palestinos já!
Respostas obtidas no site Yahoo Respostas:
"Ainda que continue a favor dos Palestinos,continuo querendo Paz naquela região,pois que todos os povos andem na Paz.
Abraços!" - por Palestino
"Israel é inimigo? De quem? Só se for dos esquerdalhas islâmicos. Israel, a nação Santa que recebe orações todos os dias.
Uma pessoa, um povo ou uma religião que escreva isso daqui (
deve ser banida da terra.
Verdadeiros Brasileiros apoiam e oram por Israel." - por
Usuário Conservador Por Um Brasi...
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